SATURDAY 3/28/2020
SO SORRY! today’s WOD will start at 1:30! hopefully you can all join in still! We are still out of sorts!!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 480 126 912
Will be one workout only - including the abs/booty. It’s a long one but we re taking it easy on the back!
3 Rounds
cardio 2 mins (run, bike, ski-erg, high knees, trampoline, up n down stairs)
21 Power Cleans (65/95)
15 Bent-over Rows (65/95)
9 Burpee Box Jumps (jump on anything)
3 Rounds of:
25 Alt. Knees to Elbows
25 Jack Knives
2 mins Plank (when or if you break-10 mules)
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