Monday, Nov. 7, 2022
Skill: 4 min Abs
1-rep max Dead lift (Romanian or reg.)
100 Double Unders
2 Rounds of (2nd rd=1/2 reps)
Run 1 lap
50 (25) KB Swings (35/53)
Run 1 lap
30 (15) Power Snatches (55/75)
Run 1 lap
10 (5) Burpee Box Jumps (20/24)
THIS IS IT: A true burner. Although you will b challenged and strained with the KB's, the other movements are just a bIg burner!!! Was hoping to get BIG SETS today while cycling the barbell like champions. If necessary, lower KB lbs to try to break no more than 2 times. Endurance and volumizing your oxygen will def. come into play with your grip and the big sets. Singles will be doubled dub amount. If not able to run, alternative will be bike, about 60 rpm's Have fun with this one.
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