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Wed. April 24, 2023

Thank you very much for the support! Also congrats to Coach Josh and Betsy for reaching the semi' finals!!! Lookout mothafletchas!!!!


30 GHDs or TTBs

Power Cleans 4x6@75%


3 Rounds of:

8 Pulling Complexes (Shrug, hang PC,, Power Clean) (65/95 try to do w/o putting bar down)

Rest 1 min

2:00 mins Assault Bike (cals)

45 Burpees!! (BUT, subtract however many calories you amass on the Assault bike) i.e. pump 40 cals; subtract that from 50=10:?only do 10 Burpees

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Friday, July 26, 2024

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July 24, 2024

Warm up: 3 rounds 30 seconds of each: Jumping twisters Alternate knees to elbows High skips High knees Plank mountain climbers PVC SKILL: 4x6 power cleans at 75% WOD: 6 rounds 8 thrusters (65/95) 8 ba

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