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Tuesday September 15, 2020


2 rounds ab circle

50 pushups for time



75 power snatches (55/75)

2 min rest


4 rounds of 10 reps of


Pendlay rows


deficit push-ups

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Warm up w/ partner 2 Rounds of Medball — :45 Basketball passes :45 Soccer Throw ins :30 Rugby tosses (R) :30 Rugby tosses (L) Ab/feet throws 2 mins 333’s Push ups squats Toes to toes Abstractor Pvc st

Friday, July 26, 2024

Warm up 3 min AMRAP 3 push ups 3 Sit ups 3 Squats 3 Lunges 2 Rounds of :30 secs Bicycles Alt KTE HOLLOW Rocks!!! Pvc. Skill Rope climbs (6 mins) WOD 16 min EMO2M 0 and Evens 6 Ring Pushups 6 Dumbelll

July 24, 2024

Warm up: 3 rounds 30 seconds of each: Jumping twisters Alternate knees to elbows High skips High knees Plank mountain climbers PVC SKILL: 4x6 power cleans at 75% WOD: 6 rounds 8 thrusters (65/95) 8 ba

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