Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Congratulations to all the participants of the open and especially congrats to the quarterfinalist and the age qualifiers!
All of our coaches qualified! Espresso congratulations to those that participated in the next round:
Coach Cassie
Coach Josh
Coach Tyler
Bridget. My
And thank you for putting up with us, and thanks to the coaches and judges that stayed, some of it was monotonous!!!
5 mins self stretch/warm up
Warm up - Bike Row Ski Run 2-3 mins
Group Warm up:
Runners stretch (W/ Lunges)
Michael Phelps
Skill: 2 rds :30/:30 Flutters n Alt KTE
KB TURKISH GET UPS 3x3 each arm
5 Rounds of
8 Thrusters (65/95)
8 DB/KB 24’ carry with Box (20”) step over
8 Ring Push Ups
18 min Time Cap
Xtra Abs/core
3 Rds of
1 min plank
1 min Crunches
10 - 40m Sprints
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