Check out the 60-day Challenge info!!!
Accountability Challenge starts 8/2/21! For 60 days, we challenge you to improved nutrition, more sleep, challenging and rewarding workouts, and improved mental fortitude. Take control of your life through weekly check-ins and community support. There will be a $30 entry fee for all participants. For non- members, join for $69 for a 2 month unlimited membership. All current members are upgraded to unlimited membership if participating in the challenge. There will be weekly rewards as well as a final cash prize! Change your mindset!
max Push ups in 1 min
Rest 2 mins
max HSPU in 3 mins
21-15-9 of
Bar Over Burpees
Front Squats (75/115)
Push Presses (75/115)
Wall Balls (14/20)
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