Sunday September 21, 2019
CONGRATS TO THE LONGS!!! Dave Sr had his 3rd podium this season and is now ranked the #1 SPARTAN RACER IN THE UNITED STATES in the 55 + age grouping!!! Congrats Dave!
Dan‘s teamed up with Rock Solid and are sitting in 8Th out in North Dakota!!! We also had some others ROCK the Spartan course - Cris n Chad Walton, Betsy n Simba Kennedy
congrats to all!! Coach Tyler competes tomorrow in the Marsh Creek Tri, good luck Ty Crush it tomorrow Dan!!! I know I missed someone and it’ll come back to me and I’ll post tomorrow!
Teams of 3
Sand Bag Carry w/ OH KB Carry
Tire Flips w/ sledge hammer swings
Wall Ball Centipede
Rope Climbs
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