Saturday, June 29, 2024
Warm up
:20 JJs
:20 toe touch/sky
:20 Mountain Climbers
:20 plank hold
:20 Hip Raises
3 Rounds
1 min bar Hang
25 GHD’s/TTB/ or 35 Jack knives
3 mins Each - 4 Rounds (24 mins total) BUT YOU ONLY DO THE MOVEMENTS THAT U WANT TO DO!!! I suggest practicing all of them, but…
Power Cleans - mini ladder 2-4 each weight
Rope Climbs - 1-2 at a time or 3
Slam Balls
5 Tire Flips
6 Sand Bag over shoulder throw
7 Sledge hammer Swings
8 parking spots sled pull
Having fun in an endurance style setting
A bunch of explanation. Please try to be on time and be patient if waiting for equipment!!
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