Monday, Dec. 26, 2022
WELCOME BACK!!! It's time to bring in the new year, focusing on NUTRITION and ACCOUNTABILITY!!! Get to the box!! Can you commit 4 hours out of 168 total hours per week. That is .02 percent
Back to the basics
4x6 Power Cleans (working sets @ 75%)
2 Rounds
10 Pistols (5each leg)
20 Air Squats
30 Back Squats (65/95)
40 Double Unders
Blast thru the early Movements
Recent Posts
See AllHappy Bday KB!!! Warm up Choice 8 mins Then, 3 mins cardio 10 push aways PVC WOD 3 Rounds of 2 mins/:90 secs/1 min/:30secs Push Presses...
Warm up Bar hang-1min Lunges 1 min cardio 3 mins Jump rope practice 2 mint Pvc Snatch Pro 8,6,3,2,3 WOD 15-12-9-6-3 Wall Balls Ring Push...
O 5:30 am class is cancelled due to inclement weather. Surprise out in the morning because I have not a clue!!! 7am class ion!!!