Monday Feb. 3, 2020
30 Ttb or GHD’s
back to 5-reps . Five rep max squat clean
2- minute stations
3 Rounds
Manmakers (35/50)
Dumbell Snatches
Strict Pull ups
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See AllThere will be no 5:30 AM class. Weather permitting, there will be a 9 AM and a 10am (holiday), also there may be a 5:30pm class! ftuz...
WOD 3 mins to complete 13 Deadlifts (135/185) 13 Deficit push Ups 13 Dumbell Snatches 2 pistols ADD WEIGHT 3 mins to complete 12...
WOD 3 mins to complete 13 Deadlifts (135/185) 13 Deficit push Ups 13 Dumbell Snatches 2 pistols ADD WEIGHT 3 mins to complete 12...